22 December Sunday
Economic Notes

Capitalism’s Discourse on “Development”...Prabhath Patnaik writes

Prabhat PatnaikUpdated: Friday Jul 27, 2018

CAPITALISM’S discourse on  “development” which has  become quite influential all over the  third world in the neo-liberal period  proceeds as follows: (i) “development”  must consist in shifting the work-force  from the traditional (petty production)  sector which is overcrowded with  low labour productivity, and hence  constitutes a repository of poverty, to  the modern (capitalist) sector which  has much higher labour productivity.  (ii) For this shift to occur, the modern  (capitalist sector) must be allowed  to grow as rapidly as possible, for  which all impediments to capital  accumulation must be removed. (iii)  Even if, in the process of the modern  (capitalist) sector’s growth, some  petty producers are displaced, such as  for instance owing to the acquisition  of land from peasant agriculture for  building factories, then that can only  be a transitional problem and should  not be a matter of much concern, since  the entire work-force from the petty  production sector will eventually get  absorbed into the capitalist sector  anyway. Hence preventing the growth  of the capitalist sector in the name  of protecting the petty production  sector constitutes a retrograde step; it  may be necessitated for “political” or  “populist” considerations but it lacks  any economic rationale. 

This discourse is typically justified  with reference to the experience of  Western Europe, where the capitalist  sector came up through a process of  primitive accumulation of capital (of  which the “Enclosure Movement” in  England in which common land was  “enclosed” by landlords to exclude  peasants from using it and thereby  to render their economy unviable,  constitutes a classic example); the  displaced petty producers, though they  underwent great suffering during a  period of transition, were eventually  absorbed into capitalist employment. 

This experience, it is argued, will only  be repeated in third world countries  like India where a similar process of  capitalist development is currently  underway.  It is also justified with reference to  elementary economic theory: since the  existence of an overcrowded traditional  petty production sector keeps wages  close to a subsistence level, not too  much above the per capita income  of this sector, even in the capitalist  sector, where the output per worker  is much higher, the surplus per unit  of output in the capitalist sector is  correspondingly much higher. If  this surplus is invested, for which  conditions favourable to capital  accumulation must be created, then the  capitalist sector will experience high  growth that will necessarily draw the  work-force away from the traditional  petty production sector; and as the  work-force gets drawn from that  sector, wages will rise in the capitalist  sector putting an end to poverty in the  economy. What third world economies  need for their “development” therefore  is to create a favourable climate for  capital accumulation, to boost the  “animal spirits” of the capitalists; this  will ensure an end to poverty. 

This discourse however is  fundamentally erroneous. Consider  the theoretical argument first. It  could be correct if we were talking  about simply one given level of  technology prevailing in perpetuity  in the capitalist sector, so that in  the process of its growth the labour  productivity within it remained  constant. (Theoretical models in  economics such as the “Lewis model”  which paint such a picture of transition  explicitly assume constant labour  productivity in the capitalist sector).  But capitalism, especially if there is no  restraint upon it, keeps introducing  technological progress, and hence  keeps increasing labour productivity.  For any given output growth-rate of  the capitalist sector, its capacity to  generate employment therefore is  reduced thereby. In fact if the capitalist  sector’s output grows at say 8 percent  and labour productivity at 7 percent,  then employment within it can grow  only at 1 percent; and if this happens to  be less than the natural growth rate of  the work-force, then, far from drawing  labour away from the petty production  sector, the capitalist sector will not  even be able to employ the natural  growth of the work-force that occurs  within its own corpus. Hence the  simple theoretical argument provided  to justify this discourse does not hold  once we take note of technological  progress in the capitalist sector. 

We shall come back to this issue  later, but let us now look at the  historical argument about Western  European experience. It is wholly  erroneous to suggest that the petty  producers displaced by Western  European capitalism were absorbed  as workers within it. Vast numbers  of them who were displaced in  the colonies, semi-colonies and  dependencies by the free import of  metropolitan goods, remained there  as a pauperised mass; in fact “modern  mass poverty” which consists not just  of low labour productivity but above all  of economic insecurity has its origins  in this process of displacement that  was never followed by any absorption  into capitalist employment, since the  capitalist sector in these economies  remained for long a minuscule entity. 

But even when we talk of those  displaced within the metropolitan  economies themselves, they were  not absorbed into employment  by metropolitan capitalism. They  emigrated in large numbers to the  temperate regions of European  settlement, such as Canada, the United  States, Australia, New Zealand and  South Africa, where they could oust the  local inhabitants from their land and  set themselves up as farmers. It is this  emigration, estimated at 50 million  persons in the “long nineteenth  century” (ending in the first world  war), which kept European labour  reserves in check, made successful  trade unions possible, and raised real  wages alongside labour productivity,  thereby making a dent on poverty.  It is not any inherent tendency of  capitalism to absorb into its employed  work-force all those whom it displaces,  that underlay the European experience  but large-scale emigration, the scope  for which no longer exists for today’s  third world populations. (The plight of  the refugees coming into Europe today  amply demonstrates this). 

Hence the discourse propagated  by capitalism on “development” is  neither theoretically nor historically  valid. But there is more to it than that.  Suppose the growth of employment  in the capitalist sector falls short of  the natural growth rate of the workforce,  as suggested above, then, since  labour reserves would grow rather than  shrink, the real wages in the capitalist  sector would continue to remain at  the subsistence level; but since labour  productivity in this sector would be  growing (which after all is the basic  reason why labour reserves do not get  depleted in the first place), the share of  surplus in the capitalist sector’s output  would be increasing. 

Now those living off the surplus  in a third world economy, typically  emulate the life-styles prevailing  among the affluent in the metropolis,  which requires commodities that  are less employment-intensive than  the commodities demanded by the  working people of the third world.  Hence the growing income inequality  within the latter economy causes a  further rise in labour productivity  and therefore further reduction in  the labour absorption capacity of the  capitalist sector. This causes a further  increase in income inequality, and  so on. A vicious circle is thus set up  whereby the capacity of the capitalist  sector to provide jobs keeps dwindling  over time. Even if the rate of output  growth remains high and unimpaired  (and we have all along deliberately  abstracted from any problems of  deficient aggregate demand in this  sector, i.e., we have deliberately  assumed the absurd “Say’s Law” that  bourgeois economics assumes), the  capitalist sector, if to start with it  does not diminish labour reserves, can  never do so. And what is more, when it  does not do so, there is an aggravation  of poverty in the economy compared  even to what might otherwise have  prevailed.

 In other words, far from  overcoming poverty through effecting  growth, capitalism in economies like  ours produces growth at one pole,  possibly even high rates of growth,  and an aggravation of poverty at  another. This aggravation becomes  even worse if the growth of the  capitalist sector simultaneously causes  displacement of petty producers, such  as when peasant land is taken over  for building factories, highways and  other “infrastructure” schemes, not to  mention real estate projects and golf  courses. 

This is not to say that factories and  highways should not be built; but they  create a problem within the logic of the  capitalist trajectory of development.  An intuitive understanding of this  fact is what underlies the resistance  among peasants and other segments  of the affected population to the  taking over of their land for various  “development” projects.  It follows that capitalist  “development”, no matter how rapid  it may be, is incapable of overcoming  poverty and unemployment in societies  like ours. The case for an alternative  development trajectory, alternative   to capitalism, which defends and  promotes petty production, raises  its level of organisation through  voluntarily-formed cooperatives and  collectives (for which egalitarian  land redistribution is a necessary  condition), relies upon the public  sector and this cooperative sector  for undertaking investment and  introducing technological progress  (whose outcome then would not be  the creation of unemployment), arises  for this reason. Such an alternative  however requires a change in the class  character of the State. It requires a  State based on an alliance between  the workers, including agricultural  workers, and the peasants, and other  sections of petty producers. But even  in the period of transition before such  a State comes into being, progressive  forces must fight against the trajectory  of neo-liberal capitalist development  that only aggravates poverty in the  economy, and make transitional  demands that bring about and  strengthen this class alliance.    
