22 December Sunday
Economic Notes

Why Didn’t Socialism Have Over-Production Crises?...Prabhath Patnaik writes

Prabhat PatnaikUpdated: Thursday Jun 28, 2018

SOCIALISM has collapsed over large  tracts of the globe. Where it still exists,  the economic regimes have undergone  considerable reforms. Not surprisingly  therefore the old socialist regimes are  objects of much vilification these days.  While capitalism, understandably, has  a vested interest in promoting such  vilification, the Left opponents of  capitalism continue to remain too shellshocked  to counter it.

There were to be sure serious  problems with the earlier socialist  regimes, which manifested themselves  above all in a de-politicisation of the  working class whose class dictatorship  they were supposed to represent. But at  the same time it must never be forgotten  that they created an economic system,  the like of which has not been seen in  the history of mankind in terms of its  concern for the working people.

This becomes clear when we ask  a simple question: why didn’t the old  socialist regimes ever experience overproduction  crises which are a perennial  feature of capitalism. Rosa Luxemburg  of course, in Nikolai Bukharin’s words,  had even seen the capitalist system, in  the absence of imperialism, as remaining  stuck in a state of “permanent general  over-production”; but no matter whether  one accepts her argument or not, the  fact of this system being subject at least  to periodic crises of “general overproduction”,  where mass unemployment  and unutilised capacity coexist because  there is insufficient aggregate demand, is  undeniable. In fact the period since 2008  has been one, where taking the world  economy as a whole, there has been a  prolonged over-production crisis. How  is it then that the old socialist economies  never experienced such crises, and,  indeed, even according to its critics like  the noted Hungarian economist Janos  Kornai, managed to maintain permanent  full employment?

 The proximate answer to this  question would be that they were planned  economies and not market-driven  ones, and hence were not subject to the  “spontaneity” of the latter. But one has  to go behind this answer, and further ask:  what was it that planning specifically did,  to ensure that no over-production crisis  occurred to undermine the state of full  employment in those economies? The  answer to this question, which is simple,  quite well-known, and elaborated by the  Polish Marxist economist Michal Kalecki,  can be given along the following lines.

 Capitalist economies experience overproduction  crises, because investment  within this system, in the sense of  addition to physical capital stock,  depends upon whether capitalists expect  such addition to earn an adequate rate  of profit.They undertake only as much  investment as they think would fetch  this rate of profit. But if this amount of  investment is less than the unconsumed  full capacity output at the given income  distribution between wages and profits,  then if the economy produces this output  there would be insufficient demand for  it. And since whatever is not demanded  in a capitalist economy tends not to get  produced at all, the economy would slip  below full capacity output.

But when it does so, then  consumption demand too would fall  below what it would have been under  full capacity output, at the given income  distribution, so that there would be a  further fall in output; and this would  go on, until the economy settles at  some point below full capacity output,  where whatever is produced is actually  demanded for consumption and  investment. At this point both unutilised  capacity and mass unemployment would  co-exist.

An example will make the point clear.  Suppose full capacity output is 100, and  the economy’s output is always divided  between wages and profits in the ratio of  60:40. Suppose all wages are consumed  while no part of profits is consumed  (just a simplifying assumption). Then  if full capacity output is produced,  consumption will be 60; and this output  will be demanded only if investment  is 40 (for total demand consists of  consumption plus investment). But if  capitalists in the aggregate want to invest  only 20, because they expect that any  investment larger than 20 will not fetch  the rate of profit they consider adequate,  then aggregate demand will be 80 at full  capacity output (60 +20), which will be  less than the full capacity output itself,  ie, 100. In such a case the economy will  fall below full capacity output and will  settle at producing only 50, at which  consumption will be 30, which together  with investment 20 exactly equals output  50. In other words there will be an  over-production crisis that will entail 50  percent unutilised capacity.

But suppose in this economy full  capacity of 100 was produced and when  investment was 20, consumption could  be raised to 80 from the original 60,  then there would be no deficiency of  aggregate demand and hence no reason  for any over-production crisis. But  raising consumption from 60 to 80 at  full capacity output would mean raising  the wage-share from 60 percent to 80  percent (since all wages and only wages  are consumed). It follows that there would  never be any over-production crisis if the  share of wages could be adjusted upwards,  and that a capitalist economy experiences  an over-production crisis only because the  capitalists stubbornly refuse to raise real  wages for averting such a crisis.

 It should be noted that if there is  an over-production crisis and output  becomes only 50, then the amount of  profits from this output is 20. But if an  over-production crisis is averted by  raising the wage-bill to 80 out of the full  capacity output of 100, even then profits  remain 20. Hence averting an overproduction  crisis by raising the wage-bill,  and thereby consumption demand, does  not hurt profits an iota. The rise in wages  does not occur at the expense of profits;  and yet the capitalists steadfastly refuse  to permit such a rise in wages. And that  is because capitalism is an antagonistic  system: its antagonistic nature manifests  itself not just in capitalists’ opposition to  a wage-rise because it reduces profits; it  manifests itself in capitalists’ opposition  to a wage-rise even when it does not  reduce profits. The fear is that it will  strengthen workers.The system in short  is, in a fundamental sense, ontologically  antagonistic. In fact all human societies  marked by class antagonism have  been antagonistic in this fundamental  ontological sense.

The old socialist countries were  not antagonistic in this sense, which is  why they never experienced any overproduction  crises. Whenever there was  any deficiency of aggregate demand  at full capacity output, because the  aggregate investment decisions of all  socialist firms added up to only 20 (it  does not matter here how such decisions  were taken) out of a full capacity  output of 100, where at the base income  distribution the wage share (and hence  consumption) was 60, then in such an  economy the wage share was simply  raised to 80, to prevent such a deficiency  from becoming actualised. (An ex ante  deficiency of aggregate demand in other  words was never allowed to become an  ex post deficiency of aggregate demand  because the wage share was always  adjusted upwards to the required degree.

The manner of such adjustment  was also simple, namely through a fall  in prices while money wages remained  unchanged. In a socialist economy in  other words output continued to be  produced at full capacity but prices  adjusted to clear the market so that this  output was always actually demanded:  as prices fell, with money wages given,  real wages and hence consumption, and  hence aggregate demand, rose; prices  therefore fell to that level where demand  would be 100. The socialist economy thus  always maintained full capacity output  by letting the real wages, and therefore  consumption demand, adjust so that  exactly 100 was demanded.

There is something ironical here. A  capitalist economy has been described  ever since Adam Smith’s time as having  flexible prices which clear all markets.  In fact a capitalist economy is noting of  the sort. It has no price flexibility at all  for given money wages, in conditions of  oligopoly; and conditions of oligopoly  go back a long way in time. On the other  hand a socialist economy is supposed to  be a planned economy which eschews  price flexibility. And yet the old socialist  economies systematically avoided overproduction  crises precisely through  price-flexibility for given money wages.  This only underscores the poverty of the  intellectual stereotypes that are used for  understanding these economies.

The onward march of the socialist  project will no doubt bring new ways of  operating socialist economies in future.  But all these must incorporate at least  two characteristics of old socialism: one  is full employment, and the other is the  avoidance of over-production crises. No  capitalist economy has ever been able to  achieve either; no capitalist economy will  ever be able to achieve either.   
