Thiiruvananthapuram>‘Easy’, a black comedy drama by Andrea Magnani received applause from the enthusiastic crowd at the International Film Festival of Kerala as it opened for a world premiere. The film thematically expresses encounters and exclusions through the protagonist’s travel. ‘Easy’ sets a right tone of dark humor in a wide pace, showing an obese and depressed Iranian man named Easy, travelling the road back to life in which East meets West.
The day also had the audience in attendance for Kazem Mollaie’s Iranian film ‘Kupal’. The movie that narrates the life of Kupal, a taxidermist, portrays the circumstances he goes through before the Iranian New Year. The story is take on environment issues and respect for animals’ rights, and it was well received by the audience.
‘Satan’s Slave’ which was screened under the ‘Midnight Screening’ witnessed a massive crowd. Joko Anwar’s Indonesian horror film, a reboot of the 1980’s movie, offered an enthralling experience of terror to the audience, and had them on the edge of their seats. The screening was open to the public.
Johnny Hendrix’s ‘Candelaria’ and Nila Madhab Panda’s ‘Dark Wind’, shown under the International Competition category, were screened again. ‘Village Rockstars’ by Rima Das was another major highlight that did not disappoint the audience.