20 September Friday

11.36 % In Kerala Have Covid Antibodies; That’s Half National Average: ICMR Survey Report

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Saturday Feb 6, 2021

Thiruvananthapuram: ICMR’s third  Sero Survey based on presence of covid antibodies in cross-sections sampled countrywide indicate Kerala recorded just half the national average for exposure to coronavirus among its population, said Health Minister KK Shailaja on Saturday. The survey was undertaken to study the extent to which populations across the country have had earlier exposure to the virus by testing blood samples for seroprevalence or covid antibodies.

The national average for infection prevalence is 21.4%, read the survey report while the rate for Kerala figures at 11.6 percent. The low levels are a result of heightened mitigation efforts comprising extensive testing, contract tracing, quarantine and isolation measures, said the minister.

In Kerala, the ICMR carried out tests in the districts of Ernakulam and Palakkad for its third survey. There  were 1244 individuals sampled of whom 11.6 percent were found to have spiked protein antibodies in their system. In ICMR’s 1st survey carried on in May of last year Kerala recorded 0.33% against then national average of 0.73% . That figure later rose to 0.8 percent in August survey against national average of 6.6 percent.

With only small percentage of population turning out positive for past exposure, there exists vulnerability calling for continued vigil meaning wearing of masks and social distancing should continue, said the minister.
