19 September Thursday

15-year-old Beaten Up Brutally While Playing Outside, Suffers Critical Eye Injury : Alappuzha

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Friday Nov 5, 2021

Haripad : A 15-year-old  in Haripad’s Pallana was brutally beaten up by his neighbour, causing serious injury to his eye. The teen victim is Arun Kumar, son of Kottakatt Anil residing in Pallana. The child is currently hospitalised in  Vandanam Medical College.

In the incident, Sarangdharan(70) in Muandanpambu Colony beat the boy black and blue  using fencing stick. The assault took place 2 pm Thursday while Arun was playing with children from the neighbourhood. Sarangharan’s granddaughter too was among those kids. He came out and hit the girl chasing her into the house and then returned,  to  thrash Arun without any kind of provocation.

Arun was immediately rushed to the medical college hospital where they attended his injuries  and send him home after dressing  the hurt eye. However, Arun's  condition deteriorated by evening and he was once taken to the hospital, where this time, they admitted him for further treatment.
