20 September Friday

2-year-old in Pathanamthitta Moved To Isolation Ward; Two Class X Students To Write Exams In Isolation

Web Desk‌Updated: Tuesday Mar 10, 2020

PATHANAMTHITTA : A 2-year-old girl in Pathanamthitta who was in contact with Covid infected patents, has been moved to the isolation ward  of  a hospital there. Five persons are presently under observation in the district. They comprise a family of three that recently returned from Italy and two relatives who interacted closely with them.


For the two class X students under observation for having interacted closely with the infected,  special arrangements have been made, so they write their exams without risk to others. A  separate room has been arranged for, so also transportation to reach them to the exam venue.


With X and Plus II exams beginning today, precautionary measures are put in place at all exam centres to prevent risks to unsuspecting students.


In Pathanamthitta, the list with details of those who interacted with Covid patients would be submitted today. The list pertains to those who interacted with the infected on preliminary level and is nearly 75 percent complete. As per the list, 733 persons have been identified in the category.


 2 medical teams are working around establishments, while four other teams  focus  on  homes. Two teams surrounding houses,  provide updates on those being monitored in their homes. Test results on samples of 19 individuals are awaited.


Authorities have called for extra caution at Ranni, which confirmed latest case of the virus.



