20 September Friday

3 Youths Killed, 1 Injured In Bike Collision : Changanassery w

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Saturday Feb 5, 2022

Kottayam : Three youths in their twenties died after their bikes crashed into one another on MC Road near SB College in Changanassery. The deceased : are Sajit(27) son of Shanavaz from Palliveetil in Hidayath Nagar,  Puzvath; Alex(26), saon of Ranjvin from Ullahil in Changanassery and Rudrash(20), saon of Reamesh residing at Muthumila Kaniamparnbil in Vazhapally.

23-year Shinto, the pillion rider on Alex’s bike is hospitalised with injured. The accident took place last night with both bikes colliding head-on.

