19 September Thursday

Online Class For 5 Hours In Kerala: Notes In PDF Format; College Councilors To Decide Class Timings

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Saturday May 29, 2021

Thiruvananthapuram : Class timings for colleges under Higher Education have been extended to 5 hours in a day. The decision - in prelude to reopening on 1 June -  came about at a meeting of various heads of department chaired by Minister for Higher Education, R Bindu. It is left to the universities to decide re-opening dates for their affiliate colleges. After the class, students will be provided with notes in PDF form and other assistances for learning. 5-hour classes will be held on all working days between 8 and 3.30. Online classes and other teaching activities will be carried out.

The classes beginning 8.30 will conclude by 1.30 classes beginning 9.30 will end by 3.30 an in-between lunch break. A 2-hour online class should be held each day following which children may participate in related learning activities. Classes up to Friday will be held in this manner. The college Councilor can decide on the class timings,  taking students’ convenience into account.

Teachers must reach college after the lockdown.
If lockdown be lifted, all teachers including those from tech department, should arrive at the college. If any one has a problem commuting, the teacher must discuss it with the Principal and in cases where necessary, the teacher may be allowed  to ‘work from home’ from the next day on. Principals must ensure presence of essential staff at college.

Students unable to access online classes must be identified and the matter, after due examination,  should be informed to the concerned Education Department official  and  needful arrangements  provided to make learning possible for the disadvantaged. The Principal may appoint gazette a level officer after consent from the Education Director. At the meeting, the colleges were asked to continue with special committees they formed to assess evolving covid conditions.
