20 September Friday

7 More Ships To Arrive AT Vizhinjam; 2nd Chinese Ship On 15th

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Monday Oct 16, 2023

Thiruvananthapuram : A second Chinese ship with six-yard crane will arrive at Vizhinjam on 15 November. The vessel will leave after one week at the port. The ship will arrive directly to Vizhinjam followed by seven more quick succession thereafter.

32 cranes are being fetched from China toward first phase of port construction. Three were delivered by the maiden ship Shenua 15 on Sunday, th unloading of which began Monday.

The ship would be lowered parallel to wharf by ballasting. The deck stands roughly one-and-half meter above the wharf. Makeshift rail tracks shall  be laid to the wharf for rolling out cranes arriving on ships. Shenhua 15 will return from Vizhinjam after 24th. Meanwhile, three companies have informed willingness to carry out port related works.
