20 September Friday

BJP Drained Rs 29 Crores To Capture Kerala; Spent Rs 252 Cr Across 4 States and 1 Union Territory

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Friday Nov 12, 2021

New Delhi : BJP spent Rs 29 crores to win over people’s mandate in Kerala Assembly elections of 2021. The party drained a total of  Rs 252 crores on  5 Assembly polls in states including Kerala, Assam, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Union Territory of Puduchery. The figures were divulged in an affidavit  the BJP submitted before  Election Commission.

The individual spends are : Rs 29.24 crores for election campaign in Kerala, Rs 4.79 crores in Puthuchery, Rs 22.97 cr in Tamil Nadu. RS 43.81 cr in Assam and the major chunk  was funneled into Bengal, where the party spend a whopping Rs 151 crores.
