20 September Friday

Booster (Precaution) Dose Starts Today: Booking Direct and Online

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Monday Jan 10, 2022

Thiruvananthapuram : The third Covid shot or Precaution dose  will be administered across state starting Monday. Eligible for the booster shot are : healthcare workers, Covid frontline workers, residents aged above 60 with comorbidities and those with underlying medical conditions. Roughly 5.55 lakh health workers and 5.71 Covid frontline workers are estimated to  receive booster dose.

Boosters will be available at centres  where  adolescent vaccines are administered. A nine month gap after 2nd Covid dose is essential to receive booster shot

Blue color boards will be hung outside vaccine centres or elderly citizens. These boards will be put up as indicators  at the main gate, registration counter and the vaccination room. Care should be taken to ensure one does not take the 2nd dose the second time instead of the booster. Vaccine registration be done directly at the centre, online mode is preferable though.
