19 September Thursday

Burning of Swami Saeepananda Giri’s Ashram; Key Conspirator Held

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Tuesday May 2, 2023

Thiruvananthapruam : Police on Tuesday arrested the main conspirator in burning of Swami Sandeepananda Giri’s ashram in Poojapura. The accused has been identified as Kundamankadav native from Ilipod, Sabrari S Nath. The arrest followed definite lead that late Prakash, who committed suicide and Sabari S Nath were responsible for the arson. The second accused in case, Krishna Kumar was arrested earlier.

For RSS workers were arrested previously with regard to suicide of the first accused Prakash who was also a Kundamankadav native.  It was information secured during interrogation of these supsects that led Crime Branch to Sabari.Much of their account corraborated with forensic evidences developed in the case.

Early in the case, it was evident that,    deceased Prakash, Sabari and RSS workers had set up the fire.  Items of evidentory value was secured in this regard. It also became clear to the investigators that it was Sabari’s initiative to dismantle and sell bike used in the arson.

Krishnakumar, Satikumar, Sreekumar and Rajess - all RSS wrkers - were arrested by the police earlier. All along, it was evident that Sabari was actively involved. His phone calls before, during and after the attack to several people held crucial implications. This discovery had led investigators to focus on him.

The big breakthrough in the case came when Prakash’s brother testified that both the deceased and Sabari  were involved in setting fire at the ashram. A dispute on this account ultimately led to the suicide, the brother had said.  He later changed his version, however, the police that pursued information he let on initially, steered the case in right direction.
