23 December Monday

CBSE Declares Class X Results; Pass Percentage 93.12%; Thiruvananthapuram Tops Chart

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Friday May 12, 2023

Thiruvananthapuram: The Central Board for Secondary Education(CBSE) has declared results fro Class 10th. The pass percentage is 93.12 percentage with girls contributing  94.25% among themselves and boys 93.27 percent.

21,65,805 students wrote 10th std exams this year. Of whom,  20,16,779 have made it through.  21,86,485 students had appeared for class X last year and the pass rate was 94.40%.

Thiruvananthapuram  topped the passout chart with 99.91% while Bengaluru  came  second with 99.18 percent and Chennai third with 99.14 percent. Guwahati in Assam lags last with a pass percentage of 79.90.

Students can access the results through the websites
 cbseresults.nic.in, results.cbse.nic.in, cbse.gov.in, results.gov.in  Results are available through DigiLocker (https://results.digilocker.gov.in/) and UMANG App. Students can use their Roll Number, School Number, Admit Card ID and Date of Birth to see their scores.
