20 September Friday

Church Feud Shall Not Impede Burial of Bodies : Govt Issues Ordinance

Web Desk‌Updated: Wednesday Jan 1, 2020

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : The govt on Wednesday issued ordinance against causing delay or preventing burial of bodies in Church cemeteries, from  faceoff  between different sects.


The relatives can bury their dead at the family cemetery, at all churches rife with disputes. As per provisions, in all such places,  prayers and rituals may be held outside the church and the body subsequently brought to the family cemetery for burial. That’s the legal provision.


The move follows a recent Supreme Court ruling, that came in favour of Orthodox Sabha in their long drawn feud with Jacobites over church ownership,. Following the verdict, several churches witnessed clashes between warring sects over burials.

Given the distress this caused to scores of Christian families across in the State, the Assembly met in a special session on Wednesday, to formulate an ordinance to alleviate the situation.






