20 September Friday

Citizenship Bill An Attack On Secular, Democratic Fabric of The Nation : CM

Web Desk‌Updated: Wednesday Dec 11, 2019

 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan slammed the Centre for passing the Citizenship Amendment Bill(CAB), which he said is a direct attack on the the secular and democratic character of the nation.

The Constitution of India guarantees  equality,  in terms of right to citizenship for all those who are eligible, regardless of  their religion, caste, language, culture, gender or profession. That  right has  now  been rendered void, he said.The move  to confer citizenship based on religious background, is tantamount to a rejection of the Constitution, he added.

The Bill is aimed at dividing people on communal lines and was  passed in the Lok Sabha with  rather unusual haste and tenacity, the minister said.

The Bill rejects  Muslims who have immigrated from Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan. On other hand,  it accepts  people from six other communities from these neighbouring countries, for the purpose of citizenship . The two clauses must be withdrawn., said Pinarayi.


Such  discrimination based on religion is a denial of natural justice. Sangh Parivar is not unaware on the fact  that, India houses refugees from Sri Lanka, in addition to the three countries stated in the Bill. The Amendment  is designed to serve communal agenda of the Sangh Parivar and their devious plans to establish a non-secular state. It is a total violation of the articles of the Constitution that relates to citizenship and fundamental rights, Pinarayi  said.


India belongs to all Indians. Attempts  to undermine this reality will  take  our country back to dark ages. It will destroy our hard-fought freedom. We must not let that happen, said the minister.


