20 September Friday

Coup Threat Is Back ; 18 MLAs From Kamal Nath Govt Disappear : Madhya Pradesh

Web Desk‌Updated: Monday Mar 9, 2020

BHOPAL : Barely a week  after near-coup situation, Kamal Nath govt in Madhya Pradesh is faced with identical scenario after 18 Congress MLAs  disappear to unknown locations in Bengaluru. The absconding Congressmen include six ministers.


According to reports,   the legislators were transported to Bengaluru by specially chartered flights. The Assembly session is slated to begin on 16 March. The development is largely viewed as BJP attempt to topple Congress-led govt in the State by getting its  MLAs to switch sides.


Early this month,  BJP had  whisked 10 Congress MLAs away to  a resort in Haryana’s Gurugram.  Post the incident, senior Congress leader Dig Vijay claimed the MLAs were each offered up to Rs 25 crore to cross over.  BJP denies the allegation asking why it was being pulled into Congress’s internal affairs.


13-month-old  Kamal Nath govt has 120 seats in Madhya Pradesh’s  230 member Assembly : 113 Congress, 1 – BSP, 4 – Independents. BJP has 107 MLAs , while two seats lie vacant. One  MLA from BASP is under suspension following internal friction.





