19 September Thursday

Centre Must Pay Up Pending Dues, Crisis Acute : FM

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Saturday May 2, 2020


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : Even if help be ruled out, the Centre should at the least pay state its arrears, said Finance Minister TM Thomas Isaac. It is time that Centre ended its evasive tactics. After all, furthering the fight against Covid-19 would be  possible for Centre only with states and the public by its side, the minister added. 


The state government  will now go  for a loan to meet salary expenses of its employees. The borrowing will come through on 5 April. The option is being tapped after the Reserve Bank temporarily raised the borrowing limits whereby,an additional Rs 2,000 crore can be availed in loans.


30 -40 percent of the borrowed sum  will be lost in loan repayment. In effect, the usable fund would be just the remaining portion. GST revenue has taken severe  hit, with less than one-fourth income trickling in than previously expected. There is  huge dent in April incomes and this month would be worse, said the minister.
