11 September Wednesday

Revised Salary Disbursals From 1st April; DA in 4 Installments; Welfare Fund Mulled For Pensions Under Employment Guarantee Schemes

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Thursday Feb 4, 2021

Thiruvananthapuram : The cabinet on Wednesday decided to disburse revised salaries and allowances for government employees and teachers from 1st of  April. The revisions are based on recommendations stated by the 11th State Pay Commission. Revision on Dearness Allowances will apply  from July 2019 while  other allowances will take effect from 1 March, 2021.

Special salary scales recommended  for the Health sector shall be granted. For other sectors, “scale to scale”  transition will apply. A committee comprising Additional Chief Secretary to Finance Department, the convener, Chief Secretary to Administration Reforms and Principal Secretary, has been set up to attend to complaints and applications that might come in the Pay Commission’s revision context. The committee is required to scrutinise the recommendations on salary scales, career advancement scheme etc along with related complaints if any, and submit its report within a month. The report will be examined by the govt before issuance of detailed order.

Discussion on revised pensions will be taken up by the cabinet in its next meeting.

Dearness Allowance in 4 Installments
Arrears pending against Dearness Allowance(DA) to state employees and teachers will be disbursed from 1st of April, clearing all dues thereof.

DA arrears would be disbursed at rates of : 3 percent pertaining to January 2019, 5 percent in July same year, , 4 percent from January 2020 and 4 percent in July of last year. Order pertaining to DA will be issued on Thursday. Arrears would be merged with Provident Fund raising DA to 36 percent from the current 20 percent.

Welfare fund For Employee Guarantee Scheme
It was decided to set up Welfare Fund for those working under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Scheme and Ayyankali Urban Employment scheme implemented in cities. To bring out ordinance in this regard, a recommendation shall be send to the governor. The cabinet approved the rough draft thereof.

The Bill contains provision for providing pensions for those completing 60 years and those who have made contributions up to age 60 and also aid to families of the deceased belonging to this category. Those seeking membership to the Welfare Fund shall  deposit Rs 50 per month. The government, on its part, will take into account the number of workers and the labour days, and make its own contributions alongside. Any person above age 18 and below 55 can subscribe to the Welfare Fund.

