23 December Monday

Exit Poll Results : Set Back For BJP In Karnataka; JDS To Emerge As Kingmaker

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Wednesday May 10, 2023

Bengaluru : Exit polls predict a likely fall for BJP  in Karnataka. The Polls indicate no single party will gain clear majority and that Congress will improve its vote position. As per Republic TV poll results, Congress will get 94 to 108 seats, while BJP could win between 85 - 100 seats, leaving JDS with scores between 24 -32 to decide which side will come to power.

113 seats is halfway mark for the 224-seat Karnataka Assembly. The Zee News Matrix survey predicts Congress will cross that line and secure 118 seats. The survey puts Janta Dals Secular(JDS) score between 25 to 33 and BJP to contend with seats between 79 and 94 seats.

TV9 PollStart survey predicts Congress to bag 99 - 109 seats, JDS 21 to 26 seats and BJP 88 to 98.

The Suvarna Jan Ki Baath survey puts BJP as winner with absolute majority. The survey forecasts BJP to win 94 to 117 seats; Congress between 91 to 106 and JDS 14 - 24.
