22 December Sunday
Saneep and Swapna sent into 7-day custody

Smuggled Gold Meant To Finance Terrorism; UAE Emblem and Seal Fake : NIA Tells Court

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Tuesday Jul 14, 2020

Kochi : NIA on Monday divulged crucial findings in the sensational gold smuggling case. The gold was not, as presumed first, meant for sale to jewelers, rather it was missioned for terrorist networks in the state and outside.  

The probe officials, while seeking 7-day custody of Swapna Suresh and Saneep Nair,  also informed the court that UAE emblem and seal used to pass the gold through diplomatic channel were fake and fabricated for smuggling purpose. The entire was backed by  international conspiracy, NIA told the court.  

 In an interesting twist, Sandeep Nair, the key accused, asked court why there isn’t a probe against UAE attaché based in Thiruvananthapuram given that, a baggage cannot be dispatched through diplomatic channels without attaché  consent. The clearing agent should also be booked, Sandeep demanded.   

Incidentally,  a bag recovered from Sandeepat the time of his arrest  will be produced in  court tomorrow. It contains incriminating evidence on the smuggling operations, NIA told the court. Both Sandeep and Swapna  were released into 7-day NIA custody after the day’s hearing.
