20 September Friday
The govt has instructed Air India to remain ready for emergency flight take-offs if situation arises

Heavy Crowding At Kabul Airport ; Air India To Carry Out Evacuation of Indians

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Monday Aug 16, 2021

New Delhi : Kabul airport is overwhelmed with hundreds of people thronging to leave the country. According to sources, there erupted gunfire amid the crowding  wounding several persons, following the news of which,  Air India will  run flights to fetch stranded Indians from the airport. The flight slated for 8.30 pm night will now take off earlier at 12.30 noon. Meanwhile, the union government issued directives to Air India asking to remain on ready mode to take-of flights if  emergency arises.

There are roughly 1500 Indians stranded in Kabul. With situation growing tense,  the Indian embassy  issued orders for all Indians to leave the country at the earliest time possible.

Context: Taliban marked complete takeover of Afghanistan on Sunday by seizing the presidential palace in Kabul ending America’s 20 year war together  with NATO forces that hoped build up the security forces that would be capable of keeping insurgency at bay.
