19 September Thursday

I Don’t Think Minister Said It That Way; She Was Crying When Informed Of The Incident; IMA President

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Thursday May 11, 2023

Kochi : I don’t think Minister Veena George would have spoken it that way, said IMA Kerala Chapter President Dr. Zulfi Nuhu. Her words apparently have been twisted  by the media. When spoken to about the incident, the minister had cried, said Dr. Zulfi.

Context : Some media reported that according to Minister, the slain doctor was inexperienced and hence was unable to defend herself.  The Health Minister had sought to clear this and said, it was cruel to distort spoken words at tragic moment like this.

Backdrop : 23-year-old intern, Dr. Vandana Das fell victim to a patient’s senseless violent spree and succumbed to the stabbing shortly after. The incident took place in small hours of Sunday dawn at Taluk hospital in Kottarakara.
