20 September Friday
90 percent of the people obtained services without having to paying bribes

Integrity : Kerala Has Lowest Incidence of Bribe-Taking in The Country

Web Desk‌Updated: Sunday Dec 1, 2019

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM  :  The integrity of its people, has done Kerala proud in the survey on corruption carried out across the country.  Kerala topped the charts among states having least incidence of bribery.


The survey titled India Corruption 2019 was conducted by LocalCircles  and Transparency International India.


The survey found how 51 percent of the population in India  end up paying bribes. The influx of black money and lack of  corruption checks, is responsible for the alarming situation, says the research.


However in Kerala 90 percent of the those sampled said, they obtained services without bribe of any sort. Also the number of bribe takers have declined considerably in the state in the past three years. In its previous survey 31 percent  employees were found to be bribe takers.


The national level sampling suggests a whopping  51 percent, in terms of citizens who were  forced to offer bribes. Among them  24 percent have paid bribes multiple times and the remaining 27 percent once.


The report  dubs CBI and state vigilance as passive onlookers. Computerisation and  CCTV networks have not helped reduce instances of bribe taking, the survey pointed out.


35 percent of the bribing public  paid cash directly to the concerned person and another 30 percent hand their money to agents. About 6 percent paid their bribes in form of gifts, says the study.


Incidentally, Transparency International India is an NGO working toward corruption free society while LocalCircles is an agency engaged in promoting better governance via social media avenues in order to understand collective issues, challenges, solutions and pulse at macro or micro  levels.
