19 September Thursday

IS Terrorists Open Fire in Kabul Gurudwara; 2 Dead

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Saturday Jun 18, 2022

IS terrorists attacked a Sikh gurudwara in Afghan capital of Kabul Saturday morning leaving two dead. Ponded with multiple blasts was  : Karle Parwan Gurdwara in Kabul.

 ISIS Khorasan is believed to have carried out the attack that began 7.15 am Kabul time(8.30 am Indian time). A 60-year-old man, identified as Sawinder Singh and the Gurudwara’s guard were killed and 3 Taliban soldiers wounded.  Two attackers were cornered by Taliban soldiers. According to unconfirmed news, weven to eight people are trapped inside the Gurudwara.

The Ministry for External Affairs said it was monitoring the situation.
