20 September Friday

Island Crisis - Land Reforms; Eviction Moves; NOC For Land Ownership Every Three Years

Sujith BabyUpdated: Wednesday May 26, 2021

Kozhikode : An island defiant to ravages of the sea will now have its people’s land  snatched away by the central govt. The landownership laws have been changed.  It is a forceful attempt on part of Administrator Praful K Patel ‘s to strip owners of their land  by way of a new law that calls for renewing landownership every three years. Failing this, their lands could be  confiscated. People of the  Lakshadweep are current owners of  the lands. However, with the new law coming into force that full ownership status would be lost forever. Instead, the inhabitants  will have to procure NOC toward renewing their land  title every three years - a lapse of which would attract Rs 2 lakh in penalt plus  a fine of Rs 20,000 per day until the date of delayed NOC procurement.

The changed law spells  drastic setback to natives of Lakshadweep. Majority are worker population  who are out at sea or in adjoining islands rendering it difficult to be present at set renewal times. Also,  the penalty of this magnitude is simply unaffordable to the commoners.  All this could in effect trigger a mass exodus from the island.

The draft notification released talks about setting up of Lakshadweep Development Authority.(LDA) for implementation  of the new laws. LDA will comprise a government-appointed Chairman, three representatives, town planning officials and  2 local body representatives. Except for the containment zone where the officials reside, all places on the island will come to fall under purview of  the LDA.

Locals accuse the government for formulating new laws  that are presumed to funnel Lakshadweep’s lands into the hands of real estate mafia. Hundreds of  natives have sent pleas to the Administrator’s office urging to withdraw the draft notification.  Incidentally, the notification also states a number of projects, the constructions of which will overturn the ecological balance of the lush island.
