20 September Friday

Caste Sentiment Prevalent Like In Rest Of The Country Not In Kerala: K Radhakrishnan

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

Thiruvananthapuram  The kind of challenges Scheduled Tribes face in rest of the country does not exist here in Kerala, said  Minister K Radhakrishnan. Generally speaking, members of the scheduled tribes do not fall prey to attacks or insults in the State. Isolated cases are viewed with grave concern and strict action is taken. General awareness among public is essential to prevent attacks on tribals, the minister said.

Casteism still exists around the country. However, the manner in which that exists in other parts of the country, is unseen in  Kerala.  Attacks on Adivasis call for closer examination. The scenario should be put to an end. The government is taking meticulous steps in that regard, the minister said.

Incidents like the death of Adivasi youth Viswanathan  in Kozhikode is matter of grave concern. The government is taking strict action in this regard. A special investigation team overseen by City Police Commissioner is probing the death, the minister said. With regard to Attapadi Madhu’s case, the minister said, adequate protection shall be provided to witnesses to prevent them from  turning hostile.

The government has taken steps to provide better education to tribal children, the minister said, adding that over 1,100 areas have been provided with internet connectivity in this regard.
