20 September Friday
The farmers demanded that SDM Ayush Sinha who ordered the fatal lathi-charge be suspended and FIR registered

Karnal Set To Become Another Singhu; Thousands of Farmers Congregate Holding Day- Night Protest

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Thursday Sep 9, 2021

Karnal : In Haryana that witnessed  death of farmer youth from police thrashing a fortnight ago, the farmers surrounded the district headquarters in Karnal holding sit-ins and ptiching tents outside the building gates. The All India Kissan Morcha leaders said the protests will be intensified further. BKU(Bharat Kissan Union) leader Tikait said the venue will become seat for permanent protests  patterned like stike in Singhu Tikri.

The protest at Karnal broke over government stance of protecting SDM Ayush Sinha who ordered police action in which, the deceased farmer's skull was smashed.  Although, police commissioner held discussions with farmer leaders at the site,  the talks  failed to yield results after the government rejected demand  to  suspend Ayush Sinha or register FIR against him and further clarified government refusal to  compensate  Susheel Kajal's family.  At the talks, the government representatives argued there was no evidence of Susheel having died from lathi-charge nor any postmortem to indicate that. The farmer leaders countered that claim saying non-performance of postmortem was lapse on part of the government. There were several wounds on his body, they said.

The protests will continue until demands are met, the farmer leader Gurna Singh. All India Kissan Sabha President Dr. Ashok Dhavale and  Finance Secretary P Krishna Prasad congratulated the farmers.
