19 September Thursday

Kerala Chalachithra Academy Signature Board at IDSFFK Venue Stands #WithHer

Web Desk‌Updated: Sunday Jul 22, 2018

Thiruvananthapuram > The signature board set up by the Kerala Chalachithra Academy at the venue of the 11th International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala, has been drawing audience attention.

The board, open to the delegates and guests, has already received signatures from prominent personalities including Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and acclaimed filmmaker Anand Patwardhan.

The signature board has become a channel of expression where people come together to announce their participation through jotting down their signatures. In addition to signatures, hashtags such as #WithHer’, ‘#DownWithFascism’ and ‘#DownWithCommunalism’ have found their way into the signature board, making it a platform of reaction, against the rising intolerance and atrocities against women in the country.

Women filmmakers and delegates through their signatures that marked “#WithHer’, expressed their stance on the issue.
