19 September Thursday

Not Empty Words; 32 Gain Jobs Via Government Digital Portal

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Sunday Mar 14, 2021

Thiruvananthapuram:  The digital  job platform launched by state government makes its first innings.   32 persons secured employment  via “Digital Workforce Management System - Kerala”  The jobs landed pertain to sectors of   Robotics Processing, Automation Software Testing and Data Science. The government forwarded 120 names from the registered candidates. Of these, 82 passed the technical evaluation round and 32 were inducted into jobs, said Minister Thomas Isaac.

The achievement spells a huge step for Kerala. One of the major promises in the last budget was to facilitate digital employment possible from homes for job seekers. The “Digital Workforce Mgt System” designed by Kerala Development and Innovation Strategy Council (K-DISC) is  a platform that networks job aspirants from Kerala and job providers around the world.

Envisaged by Kerala Digital University, the portal was inaugurated by the Chief Minister in February and has over 3000 persons registered from across the districts so far. The figures are set to rise steeply and the  govt  has also stepped up measures to provide  skills development training to a large section of them. In the meantime, K-DISC held talks with several companies and establishments to ensure that  the job applicants land appropriate jobs matching their  background. Extensive talks have been held with multi-national companies to assess the current industrial requirement and facilitate  suitable job profiles  

The portal offers candidates to premier  companies such as Infosys and HP etc. The portal also arranges opportunities for those seeking self-employment.  An internet-based job provider  with marked  presence in over 204 countries and having more than 5 crore customers, has expressed interest to tie-up with the portal in order to implement a pilot project.

Similarly, a forefront private job consultancy in India that arranges considerable employment to jobseekers, looks  keen to set up a micro job portal under K-DISC. The first round talks toward this project is underway. All these point to the immense potential the portal holds in terms of getting a job and how the state would accomplish milestone achievement  in the job market.

By unifying varied job-providing platforms under one roof, the portal would bring the  companies of the world accessible to job seekers of Kerala.  

Also, discussions are in progress with Multi-national companies operating in Kerala and  successful Malayali enterprises the IT sector so as to arrive at a consensus on recruitment process.

Meanwhile, a prominent multi-national company has expressed willingness to induct over 1000 candidates into its technical legal , finance and accounting sectors and also place over 100 BCom graduates in suitable jobs. However, on examining subscriptions so far, candidates are yet to register for the aforesaid job offers in adequate numbers. Therefore the digital platform, with its immense potential, should make headway to reach further among people.

Owing to prevailing election code of conduct, it is not possible for K-DISC to sign pacts with private companies. Even so, apart from formalizing the  agreement, there has been progress on all fronts to facilitating job opportunities. In coming months, it would become possible to run the project on full swing.  Therefore, all those educated and seeking to work should  get themselves registered with the portal.

Link to the portal :
. https://knowledgemission.kerala.gov.in/

One may click the link and provide email id to obtain OTP, after which, the detailed bio-data can be uploaded.  
