20 September Friday

Money-pouch jingle amid Mayor change : Councillor's husband accused offering money for Soumini's seat

Web Desk‌Updated: Friday Nov 1, 2019

Kochi : Even as ousting Mayor Soumini Jain, has its headaches for Congress, the party is hit with  'payment seat'  accusation once again.

Post by-poll victory, a group within Congress demanded replacing Soumini with Fort Kochi division councilor, allegedly as part of 'payment seat'

The group representing "A" faction is accused of  receiving  lumpsum from the Fort Kochi councilor's businessman husband, to campaign for her on community basis.
Incidentally, in a seat reserved for women, Soumini's name always stood at forefront. Her status as standing committee chairperson earlier and community factor, translated into popular support.

KV Thomas suggested a third name before which Dominique Presentation came out with his recommendation of Fort Kochi councilor. Dominique  based his selection on grounds of representing the community. How Congress 'A' despite being assigned Dy Mayor seat pitched for the Mayor seat too, gave rise to much internal debate.
As if the headache, from  Dominique's suggesting name new to party corporation not enough,   the  present  'payment seat ' accusation has deepened controversy. Recommending Fort Kochi councilor for the post was in gross deviation of  KPCC guideline on the subject, lending credence to the  "payment" theory.
KPCC has laid that priority be lend to individuals with prior stint in the Council. The buildup to mayor seat change had  put state Congress leadership into dilemma. At one point, the two other women recommended were wrongly persuaded to believe they would be assigned Mayor seat.
In fact the two women were nominated for elections on assurance of Mayor seat thereafter.  VM Sudheeran had then, stepped in firmly to facilitate Soumini Jain's entry as mayor.
Even so, persons mired in 'payment seat' accusation have managed to bring about  the change of guard  after 2 and half-years of party rule. Though Soumini was backed to stay rooted, she opted to move out. After Congress's poor show at elections she did not want to be targeted with blame game for rest of party's tenure in the district.


