09 September Monday

League Mulls Aligning With SDPI and Jamaat-e- Islami For Panchayat Elections

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Monday Jun 15, 2020


Kozhikode : The Muslim League is looking  to ally with terror and communal outfits, SDPI and Jamaat e Islami,   in a bid to score  electoral gains in upcoming panchayat elections. As part of the plan, the party  suggested that its members form an all-new  popular front  for the purpose of contesting elections. The strategy  is aimed to provide   cover for taking Jamaat e Islami-backed Welfare Party and terror outfit SDPI into League  fold, and also  ensure continued  support from the duo as witnessed during Lok Sabha elections.


In its circular, League proposes that the new front be fielded in  panchayats and municipalities where chances of electoral victory are rather slim. Alliances can be worked out with specific sections or organisations that may help improve chances to win at polls, the document says adding that,  independents, enjoying  general acceptance, can be  nominated. The new plan has its eyes on Welfare Party and SDPI given that Malappuram, where League claims to have strong support, could get out of reach without the two.


League enjoyed overwhelming support from Welfare Party and SDPI, both in  2017 Lok Sabha elections and  Malappuram’s Vengra bypolls. During Lok Sabha elections the ties were reinforced. The new front then is meant to be a souvenir for the crucial support rendered by the two outfits during Lok Sabha elections.


In the backdrop, a good part of the League believes that,  allying with Congress might not be electorally beneficial for  the local self body elections, a reason why the party is now looking up terror organisations as way out. However, the new front will likely strain ties between Jamaat e Islami and SDPI. Incidentally, Congress too is wary of the move with its own set of suspicions.




