20 September Friday

No. 18 Hotel : Anjali Claims Conspiracy, Accuses Victim’s Mother

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Tuesday Feb 15, 2022

Kozhikode : Anjali claimed innocence in the minor molestation molestation allegation relating to No. 18 Hotel, whose owner Roy Valayat and friend Sayju are co-accused in the case.

Anjali speaks of wide social media attack since the case made news. Coming Live on Facebook, Anjali claimed there was much she cannot tell at this point as the case lies with the court, but will divulge a few details.

How does a woman native to Wayanad assume Kozhikode nativity, asks Anjali on FB.  I have known Roy Valayat for five years as a hospitality owner who is good to all customers arriving at his hotel, says Anjali, adding there is no relationship beyond that.

Anjali claims it is at least two years now that she never visited  Kochi although she has visited No. 18 Hotel a couple of times in the past.

The complainant women frequents bars with her daughter is reportedly not 18. How am I supposed to know of her age or check her ID to ascertain she is an adult, asks Anjali. In the private trip to the hotel, this woman brought her minor daughter and other girls all by herself, added Anjali.
