17 September Tuesday

Political Ploy : People Dump Tuesday’s Hartal; Police Monitor Social Media For Misleading Contents

Web Desk‌Updated: Tuesday Dec 17, 2019

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : The dawn-to-dusk Hartal, called by terror outfits including Popular Front, designed solely for political gains,  was  largely dismissed by the people of the  state.


The Chief Minister repeatedly assured that Citizenship Amendment would not be implemented in the state and all mobilizations shall be made to fight the evil law. Youth organisations comprising DYFI, SFI, AISF, Youth Congress are all engaged in  protests currently. Amid all these endeavors  comes, call by terror organisations to distress  lives of commoners.


Demonstrations against the controversial law has spread across the country. Except for Sangh Parivar affiliates, all parties are at war with the Centre over Citizenship Amendment Act. Yesterday there was all-party satyagraha convened by the Chief Minister at Martyr’s Column in the capital. Prominent personalities including religious across communities took part in the protest-fast.


Similar to wasteful hartal today, people in Kerala had dismissed a quick and headless hartal called by Sangh Parivar on WhatsApp earlier in the year. That hartal, despite having no looting or vandalism agenda, fused out after appropriate police intervention. At that time too, police took several persons into custody.


Following people’s rejection, the terror outfits  in the present hartal,  are resorting to violence in a bid to capture media attention. Several miscreants caught in such acts have been arrested.


Police meanwhile  is monitoring the social media to nail persons who may put out inflammatory or false content to incite violence.  In the last two hartals held by Popular Front, bakeries became target of loot following falsified contents posted on social media. However, the hotels and restaurant owners are cautious this time around, ensuring CCTV captures to prevent a repeat.


People have dumped communally colored hartals of similar type, initiated by Sangh Parivar, in the past. Such rejection has been reinforced, as people of Kerala once again rebuked  conspiracy laden hartal by  of terror outfits like SDPI today.


Sangh Parivar conducted protests using women for shield last December. In marked resemblance, Popular Front too on Tuesday put women on the forefront of their demonstrators. All the same police made apt moves to prevent conspiracies from playing out.



