23 December Monday

Political Parties Must Publicise Criminal Cases Pertaining To Their Election Candidates : SC

Web Desk‌Updated: Thursday Feb 13, 2020

NEW DELHI : When political parties nominate  candidates involved in criminal cases to contest general elections, they must publicise their case details  in mediums including the social media, ordered Supreme Court on Thursday.

The public ought to be informed on the list of all cases a candidate might be involved in and  reasons for their nominations despite that. Such information shall be publicised in the regional newspapers, on party websites and social media, the court said. The  aforesaid disclosures should be made within 48 hours of declaring a candidate, it added.

The Election Commission should divulge such information within 72 hours of a political party announcing its candidate and decide on eligibility or otherwise of an  individual from the details before it.  A candidate cannot be nominated based on his victory-potential alone, said SC.

If any political party is reluctant to reveal criminal background of its candidate or the Election Commission overlooks the requirement to make it public, the same shall be treated as Contempt of Court,  warned the top court.

