20 September Friday

Covid Threat: Intense Vigil For 1 Week; Testing Up From Today

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Thursday Apr 8, 2021

Tiruvananthapuram : With elections now over, it has been decided to step up  covid vigil across the state. A meeting chaired by Collector formulated guidelines for those who participated in the poll campaigns. The campaign workers and booth agents should observe strict self-evaluation and go in for RT-PCR if there be  likely symptoms of the infection.  One week of strict vigil is a must in any case.

Owing to crammed crowds that formed at numberous places, the District Collectors urged campaign workers to go in for testing . They are required to get in touch with the Primary Health Centre or an health worker in the area for the test.   

Anyone in the campaign category who might  develop  body ache, cough or cold must compulsorily test for the virus. If family members from homes of SSLC students writing exams have been part of the campaigns, they must get themselves tested and should avoid contact with others until  results. And, even if the result be negative,  symptomatic persons need to stay distanced from others at home. All employees  on election duty should compulsory have their second dose of the vaccine. It was decided to also arrange for RT-PCR test for volunteers.

In view of covid situation all set to rise, Break The Chain measures of mask, sanitizer and social distancing must be observed structkt. One should avoid gatherings as far as possible.  Elderly citizens and children must step out  of their homes only for absolute emergencies. Sectoral  Magistrates and Police department have been handed instructions toward ensuring strict preventive measures.

Upscaled Testing From Today
In the wake of rising daily cases, testing is being intensified across the state from Thursday. Police have been specially instructed to enforce social distancing in public places. Covid testing will be conducted for polling agents. More Sectoral Magistrates will be appointed to oversee mitigation measures. 7-day quarantine will become  mandatory for persons from other states. Testing will be upscaled and vaccination intensified. Local body establishments and voluntary organisations will be partnered with toward preventive efforts. The decisions came about at the Core Committee meeting called by Chief Secretary on Wednesday.
