28 July Sunday

Regarding Relation With Monson Mavunkal, Ask Sudhakaran : Chennithala

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Thursday Jun 22, 2023

Kasaragod : Asked for reaction to  K Sudhakaran’s statement that POCSO convict Monson Mavunkal must not be stood  on the enemy side, Congress leader Ramesh Chennithala told reporters that they best ask Sudhakaran about the comment.

Other points : If there’s complaint of corruption relating to installation of cameras  during Oomen Chandy government tenure,  investigations may be carried out. Nobody raised a complaint at that time, said Chennithala.

The allegation leveled  against the Vice Chancellor that he studied at two universities at a time might be because he filed case against SFI leaders.  There could be action taken, if VC has done wrong, said Chennithala at press conference in Kasaragod. How does that matter to us, he added.
