19 September Thursday

Upper Caste Reservation : Parameters Prepared To Ensure Poor Are Benefitted : CM

Web Desk‌Updated: Thursday Mar 5, 2020

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : Parameters relating to  10 percent reservation designed for financially backward individuals of the upper caste, have been prepared to ensure that  only the poor belonging to the target communities are benefitted, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan told the Assembly. The parameters  for reservation in this category, was based on recommendations of a Commission specially appointed for the purpose, headed by Retired District judge K Saseendran Nair. There exists  provision for reviewing the yardsticks, once every three years and make changes if found necessary. Therefore making changes right now is not necessary, said CM in his reply to a query submitted by  Poonjar MLA PC George. 


Several parameters laid out by the Centre are not admissible against the reservation specific to our State. Here, the creamy layer comprises annual incomes from 8 lakh onwards, which incidentally is just the bracket fixed by Central government too. Annual income is the sole parameter used to determine backwardness among the upper caste, for  purposes of  reservation. This is why a Commission was set up to examine all aspects in the matter. The Commission report was approved by the cabinet unanimously, CM said.




