20 September Friday

Rs. 10 Lakh Solatium For Home Guard In Line Of Duty; Read Cabinet Meeting Decisions Here

Web Desk‌Updated: Wednesday Jan 5, 2022

Thiruvananthapuram : The Cabinet on Wednesday decided for a  solatium of Rs 10 lakh for family of the Home Guard from Fire and Rescue Dept. who died  in an accident  while on duty.

Other Decisions
The Cabinet meeting decided to re-appoint Dr. Supriya AR as director of Sarvashiksha Kerala Trust project. Dr. Supriya is retired from Centre For Adult Continued Education Extension(Kerala University).

Retirement Age Raised
For dental surgeons at Insurance and Medical Services department, retirement age has been raised from age 56 to 60. The decision came about on request  from the Insurance Medical Officers Association that cited how  retirement age was the same for MBBS and BDS doctors employed with Health Department and Medical Eduction

Kozhikode Naturopathy College
The meeting also decided to grant No Objection Certificate for opening Naturopathy and Yoga College in Kozhikode.
