20 September Friday

RSS Politics Perverse; No Anti-Constitutional Law Shall Apply in Kerala : Says Pinarayi on Citizenship Act

Web Desk‌Updated: Friday Dec 13, 2019

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : The Citizenship Amendment Act(CAA) seeks to establish India of Savarkar and Gowalkar dreams, by dividing the country on basis of religion, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said. No law defying the spirit of constitution, shall accomodated in Kerala, he told the reporters, clarifying state govt view on the new legislation.


CAA is anti-constitutional. The  law is a strategic  move to overturn  fundamental values of equality and secularism. The state govt shall question the dark law at all possible levels, he said.


The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that secularism is basic to the constitution of India. In contrast, the Centre through the Citizenship Act seeks to establish a system based entirely on religion.


When partition took place, scores of Muslims  from neighbouring Pakistan, arrived to our lands, choosing its secular climate over the Islamic contours there.  In secularism lies our loftiness, said Pinarayi.


Giving up such inherent sophistication and transforming into another Pakistan to embrace religious bias, is perverse politics of  the RSS, he said.


India is reputed globally as a nation where people from different religion, caste and sects coexist harmoniously. The new legislation will destroy all of that and push the country into miseries of riot and civil war-stricken lands. CAA shames India on the world stage, the minister said.


No religious discrimination shall be allowed in Kerala. People belonging to all religions or no religion at all, have constitutional right to remain here as citizens of India.  And it is policy of this  govt to ensure people in Kerala retain their rights, he said.


 RSS seeks to implement the Hindu nation agenda, an idea sown originally by Savarkar and  nurtured later by Golwalkar. The constitution of India ensures citizenship for all its  people. The constitution took shape by progressive values derived from thoughts  and  struggles that were part of the Independence movement, Pinarayi said.


Citizenship is a right assured by the constitution for all Indians regardless of their religion, caste, language, culture, gender or occupation. CAA takes away that crucial assurance.


We are a rich society comprising people who arrived from various lands over the ages.  The virtue of unity in diversity has gone a long way to nurture India to its glorious repute of today. Creating divisions based on religion will erode the strength and solidarity of our powerful nation.


The Supreme Court has clarified multiple times that the foundations of the constitution cannot be altered, which means the latest amendment cannot withstand a judicial scrutiny.


Fully conscious of its illegitimacies,  the central govt seeks to pass unconstitutional legislations   using its meaty margin in the parliament – a scheme motivated by clear political goals.


It would not be wrong to assume that these developments are aimed to destroy the democratic identity of our country. All people with faith in democracy should unite to oppose this move, Pinarayi demanded.


Recent studies and statistics indicate how the country’s economy lies in shambles. The Centre’s new law is designed to distract people from such  real issues, by splitting communities and unleashing the potency of religious hate.


The British in India and Hitler in Germany were successful with this ancient strategy of divide and rule. However history shows how their  victories were immensely short-lived.


Protests raging in different parts of the country since two days, is indicative of similar outcome.  A law of this nature will have no takers in Kerala, the Chief Minister emphasised concluding his address.


Pinarayi was speaking at a press conference held  in the capital, on  Thursday.


