17 September Tuesday

Secretary Confirms HRDS Links To RSS; “Will Protect Swapna”

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Monday Jun 13, 2022

Palakkad  :  HRDS Secretary, Aji Krishnan, confirmed the organisation's  links to RSS. The admission came during  the course of a televised interview with a private news channel.  During the talk, Aji also said the gold smuggling accused, Swapna Suresh, shall be protected. 

Security shall be provided to Swapna in her position  as employee as well as victim, affirmed HRDS. Two security persons from Delhi have been specially appointed as her  guards. Responding to those berating Sangh Parivar, Aji asked if RSS could be viewed as a lowly organisation.
It is HRDS that makes all arrangements including press  conferences  for Swapna Suresh and Sarath – both of who face charges  of waging war against country.  Incidentally, HRDS is a voluntary organisation running on Central government funds. Its employees now comprise  key accused in gold smuggling activity. To top it all, these culprits use HRDS’s office in Chandra Nagar to hold press conferences. Swapna addressed five such press meets at that office  to speak on personal matters and  her secret testimonies to court.

The Central government hands to HRDS a part of its financial assistance for Kudumbasrees. And, that very establishment is being used for campaign against the State government.

There is nobody to question how the wholly RSS- controlled HRDS funded by the Central govt, bears all expenses of persons accused of waging war against the country. Mainstream news media  pretend they don’t see  this at all. The same media houses ranted for months about Swapna’s former  job  with Water House Coopers  - a consultancy firm that operated at Space Park  under jurisdiction of IT Dept of the State government, clearly exposing the media's  double standards.
