18 September Wednesday

Youth Murders Varkala Teen By Slashing Throat; Arrested

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Wednesday Dec 28, 2022

Thiruvananthapuram : A 17-year-old girl was murdered early dawn with slit to her throat in Varkala. The deceased teen is Sangeetha - a first year degree student at Sankar’s College and resident of Sangeeta Niwas in Vadasserikonam.

At around 1.30 am Sangeetha’s parents woke up to screams of their daughter and found her lying in a pool of blood. She was immediately rushed to Thiruvananthapuram Medical College but died soon after.

According to police Sangeetha  and the accused, 20-year-old Gopu shared a love relationship. However,  Gopu started to suspect Sangeetha was drifting away.  Gopu  hatched a plan to check out his suspicion and started to chat with her under a fake name “Akhil” for a few months now.  

Past last midnight, Gopu chatted with her under the name Akhil  and later asked if she would sneak out of her home to meet him outside. She agreed. Sangeetha who slept in the same room as her younger sister, crept out of her home little knowing she was walking into her death trap.

 On coming out of the house, she found “Akhil” waiting  on bike outside, but he was wearing a helmet and his face was not clearly visible. Sangeetha then asked him to lift off the helmet. Gopu removed the helmet and  also immediately drew out a concealed knife. He then overpowered her and slashed her throat.

Sangeetha ran to her house screaming and collapsed on the floor of her bedroom and later died at the hospital from the profuse bleeding that ensued.
