23 December Monday
MG Suresh, the president of KSEB Officers Assoc, is currently on suspension for conducting strike in violation of Chairman’s direction.

Penalty Revenge : Union Leader Accused Of Using KSEB Vehicle: Chairman Issues Nearly Rs 7 Lakhs In Fine

Web Desk(TVM)Updated: Thursday Apr 21, 2022

Thiruvananthapuram :  KSEB Board chairman issued heavy penalty of nearly seven lakh rupees on  union leader MG Suresh over accusation of unauthorised use of   departmental vehicle.

Suresh, the president of KSEB Officers Association. The alleged incident  dates back to time when   MG Suresh served as personal staff to then Electricity Minister MM Mani. The Chairman’s order dated 19th April requires Suresh to pay Rs 6,72,560 in fine.

MG Suresh responded to the penalty order saying it was an act of revenge on part of the chairman. News in media is my  only source of information on the incident, said Suresh.  When initiating action against any employee, the accused staff must be served notice asking for explanation. Any action can only be subsequent to this step. The chairman has skipped that procedure, said Suresh.

The current action is with regard to time served at  minister’s office. Given that,  there must be details sought from the  minister as well. What’s being done now is pure personal slandering and using media  as means, said Suresh.

MG Suresh is currently on suspension for allegedly conducting strike violating the chairman’s direction.
