23 December Monday

AIKS In Delhi Announces 35th All India Conference To Be Held In Thrissur, Kerala; Logo Released

Web Desk‌Updated: Friday Oct 28, 2022

Today October 28, 2022, the AIKS held a press conference in Delhi to announce the holding of its 35th All India Conference at Thrissur in Kerala from 13-16 December 2022. Around 800 delegates from 24 states of India, representing a membership of 1 crore 37 lakh will attend this conference. In the last one year, AIKS membership has increased in the country by nearly 10 lakh. The slogan of the Conference is 'Struggle, Consolidate, Advance for an Alternative'.

This conference is being held after the historic victory of the year-long united farmers struggle in 2020-21 that forced the Narendra Modi-led BJP regime to repeal the three anti-farmer and pro-corporate Farm Laws.

The Conference will take up cudgels against the anti-peasant, anti-people,  pro-corporate, communal and authoritarian policies of the BJP-RSS regime through both independent and united struggles,  concerted political campaigns, and strengthening the organisation.

The press conference was addressed by AIKS General Secretary Hannan Mollah, President Dr Ashok Dhawale, Vice President Amra Ram, Joint Secretaries Vijoo Krishnan and P Shanmugham, and Finance Secretary P Krishnaprasad.

They also released the logo of the conference prepared by Aswath, a young artist from Ernakulam, Kerala. He will be awarded a prize at the conference. A logo competition was held, in which this logo was selected.

 The logo signifies the struggles of the peasantry, the inspiring Kisan Long March, the leading role of women in struggles as well as in agriculture. The red sun signifies the hope of victory of united struggles that will usher in a worker-peasant alternative - an alternative to the neoliberal policies of corporate loot which are ruining the peasantry, an alternative to the communal politics of hate, and an alternative that will defend democratic rights.
