20 September Friday

Citizenship Amendment Bill Cleared By Rajya Sabha Too ; Violent Protests Erupt In North Eastern States

Web Desk‌Updated: Wednesday Dec 11, 2019

NEW DELHI : The Bill heralding legal religious discrimination  has sailed through Rajya Sabha too. 125 members favoured the Bill while 105 voted against it. 43 amendments have been effected in the Bill.


MP KK Rakesh’s suggestion to send  CAB to a select panel was put to vote, The House however defeated the motion with 124 opposing and 99 supporting.


Motions moved by Binoy Vishwam and Elamaram Kareem too  met similar fate via voice vote with overwhelming no against ayes.


Shiv Sena staged a walkout before the  voting while BSP abstained from voting, defying its party whip.


The Bill amending  Citizenship Act 1955,  now allows govt to hand citizenship to  only non-Muslim refugees originating from 6 different communities,  who might have fled persecution in the neighbouring countries of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.


Earlier, a refugee should have resided  11 years in India to earn  citizenship. The latest Amendment  shrinks that mandate  to 5 years. 

With passage of the Bill, India will figure among  countries who openly implement religious discrimination as state policy.

Such religious overtones should be removed from the Bill,  demanded CPI(M). It further sought replacement of  ‘3’ neighbouring countries with ‘all’ neighbouring countries, in the Clause.  

Following the legislation, several parts of the country, especially those in the northeastern states became venues to strong protests, Violent demonstrations have brought  life to a standstill In many areas. Assam is worst-hit, where Bandh across the state is total. The govt has suspended Internet and SMS services in neighbouring Tripura.

