20 September Friday

CPI(M) Central Committee Meets In Delhi; Extends Support For Impending Protests :Read Communiqué Here

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Tuesday Nov 1, 2022

New Delhi : The  tbree-day  Central Committee meeting of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)  was held  in Delhi on 29, 30 and 31 October  The Central Committee(CC) meeting addressed important  issues facing the country and other developments, at the end of which the Committee announced  party support for a series of impending protests called by the trade unions, Kisan Sabha and Agricultural Labour Union  over people’s  miseries, that will call up on a  14-point demand charter at its culmination  march to Parliament in April, 2023.

Here's statement issued by the Central Committee at the end of its 3-day meet:

Shocking Accident in Morbi, Gujarat: The Central Committee expressed its deep condolences to the families of over 140 people who lost their lives in the tragic collapse of the bridge in Morbi town in Gujarat. Many more are injured. The injured must be immediately provided with all required medical care and assistance.

Reportedly, this bridge was opened after renovation without a safety audit being conducted. Further, the declared limit of the number of people permitted in the bridge at any point of time was breached grievously. Further, the renovation contract was given to a company that has no previous experience in this area. These aspects demand a high-level judicial investigation for fixing accountability.

Unbecoming Acts of the Governor
The Central Committee strongly denounced the steps being taken by the Governor of Kerala to advance the political objectives of the ruling BJP to destabilize the LDF government. The manner in which he demanded the resignation of various Vice Chancellors of the universities in Kerala and later the resignation of the state Finance Minister has no sanction of the Indian Constitution. The Governor in his capacity as the chancellor of the universities in the state has no authority given by the University Acts  passed by the state legislature to initiate  such actions.

These steps by the Governor target Kerala’s secular, democratic and scientific higher education system to facilitate the promotion of the Hindutva ideological agenda. The BJP Union Government has been targeting Central Universities like JNU, Hyderabad and many others with a similar objective. People of Kerala will unitedly resist such brazen partisanship shown by the Governor and defeat all efforts to destabilize the democratically elected LDF government.

Tami Nadu: Leaders of the ruling DMK-led Secular Front government have accused the Governor of expressing views reflecting the BJP’s opinion creating unnecessary controversies and confusion. The expression of conservative and poisonous ideas while being the Governor is violative of the Constitution.

The Central Committee of the CPI(M) appeals to all non-BJP secular democratic parties, particularly those heading governments in the states, to rally together against such undemocratic anti-Constitutional acts of Governors and unitedly rise in defence of the Indian Constitution.

Undermining Federalism: Growing efforts continue to undermine Federalism, a fundamental feature of our Constitution, and the rights of elected state governments. Law and Order is a state subject. Modi’s call for ‘One Country One Uniform’ for police violates this.

The efforts to destabilize elected state governments continue as seen in the BJP’s attempts to poach TRS MLAs in Telangana offering huge sums of money.

Indian Economy in Deep Crisis
Modi government’s policies are plunging the economy into deeper crisis with growing recessionary trends. The World Bank slashed growth forecast for the third time from initial 8.7 per cent for FY 23 to 6.5 per cent. Likewise, RBI reduced it from 7.8 per cent to 7 per cent. Industrial growth registered an 18 month low and the 8 core sectors grew a 9.8 per cent as against 19.4 per cent last year according to the Ministry of Statistics (October 12).

The Rupee has crashed, foreign exchange reserve are plummeting and the trade deficit is widening to record levels.

Intolerable Burden on People
This deepening economic crisis is imposing greater miseries on people’s livelihoods. Unemployment rate has shot up even in the festive season to 7.8 percent. Despite, this, the Modi government refused to release funds for the MGNREGS and refused works to nearly 1.5 crore applicants between April 1 and October 21. In FY 2022, 1.73 crores were refused work and in FY 2021, 2.1 crores were refused. Poverty is growing and the Global Hunger Index ranks India 107/121, categorizing the situation as ‘serious’.

On top of these woes comes the back breaking price rise with the Consumer Price Index inflation breaching the RBI upper limit of 6 per cent for 9 months in a row. Food inflation is at an all-time high. While basic survival diet of dal/atta/rice is going beyond the reach of the majority of the people, food stocks in central godowns are at a 5 year low. Dangers of food deficiency are mounting.

Sharpening Communal Polarization
Ignoring these travails of the people and their miseries due to this economic ruin, Modi is personally leading campaigns to sharpen the communal divide amongst the people. Media space is overcrowded with Modi’s religious ceremonies in Badrinath and Ayodhya. Muslims are routinely targeted under some pretext or the other. Muslims are increasingly being subjected to grievous physical assaults. The spread of poisonous hate and violence campaigns are growing. The public flogging of the Muslim youth in Kheda in Gujarat by policemen in plainclothes is shocking.

The Central Committee reiterated the Party’s call for the broadest mobilization of secular forces against such sharpening of communal polarization.
Jammu and KashmirIts more than three years since the special status and statehood of Jammu and Kashmir were dissolved. The situation continues to impose curbs on people’s democratic rights and livelihood.

CPI(M) along with Left parties will take the initiative to start a consultative process with other secular parties on the situation in J&K.

Forthcoming Assembly Elections
With the Election Commission delinking the announcement of election schedules of Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat, the BJP has got the advantage of more time before the Model Code of Conduct comes into effect in Gujarat. Modi is personally spearheading BJP’s electoral campaigns focusing mainly on sharpening communal  polarization and declaring new schemes and benefits for the people at the cost of the Union exchequer. Some of these government schemes were described as his “personal Diwali gifts” to the people. Gujarat BJP state government has announced its intention for a Uniform Civil Code.

In Himachal Pradesh the CPI(M) has fielded 11 candidates and is supporting CPI in one seat that it is contesting. On the rest of the seats the CPI(M) has called  for the defeat of the BJP candidates.
In Gujarat, as the schedule has not yet been announced, the CPI(M) is in talks with other secular forces to ensure the defeat of the BJP.

Left Victory in Brazil
The Central Committee hailed the victory of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as the President of Brazil in the keenly contested election. The defeat of the self-declared fascistic right-wing Jair Bolsonaro marks a further advance for the Left in Latin America. Apart from Socialist Cuba, Left oriented Presidents were elected in Chile, Bolivia, Columbia, Peru, Honduras etc.

MV Govindan Elected to Polit Bureau
The Central Committee unanimously elected Com.  MV Govindan, Secretary of the Kerala State Committee of the CPI(M) to the Polit Bureau.  

At culmination , the CC also called upon all the Party units to strengthen local struggles and protest actions against the growing burdens on people’s livelihoods, growing attacks on Dalits, women and the marginalized people in defence of democracy and against attacks on democratic rights and civil liberties. These local struggles must focus on ensuring MGNREGS is properly implemented and wages paid on time and forcing the authorities to provide works as per demand.
