09 September Monday

Lockdown Extends To May 3 ; States With Fewer Covid Cases Can Restore "Important Activities"

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Tuesday Apr 14, 2020

NEW DELHI : Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his televised address to the nation at 10 am today announced  extension of current lockdown, by another 2 weeks up to 3 May.  “Until May 3, all of us will have to remain in lockdown. During this time, we have to follow the same discipline as we  have been doing” Modi said adding that, stringent measures will be taken in coming one week, though  he did not specify what they would be.

 States where the instances of infection are far and few in numbers may open  important activities to the extent their respective governments think would be safe. But such reopenings  would have to wait until  20 April, Modi said. It is important that virus is prevented from affecting parts of the country that remain free of the disease, he added.  

 According to latest figures, there are more than 10,600 active cases of Covid in the country, while 1035 positive patients were fully cured and 339 succumbed to the virus.

 PM’s announcement comes today on what was to be the last day of lockdown announced on 25 March.

 All shops, commercial establishments, factories, workshops, offices, markets and places of worship  were forced to close since the initial lockdown was announced 21 days back. Businesses exempted included provisions, pharmacies, and vegetable outlets, which were termed as essential services.  Transport services in all states too were limited to emergency staff and those with special travel passes. All train and plane services have also been suspended since. And, all construction activities across the country have come to a halt.

