20 September Friday

Power Emergency in Country; Center Issues Unusual Order To Save Countrywide Electric Grid

Jaison FrancisUpdated: Wednesday Feb 22, 2023

Kochi  As the country accelerates toward huge energy  crisis, the Central government has brought out an extraordinary Order to ensure power trickles uninterrupted, lest the power grid crisscrossing the country falls in jeopardy. The Order from Union Ministry of Power invokes Section 11 - used for drastic situation where the countrywide power grid cannot be sustained safely owing to non-availability of quantum power - a condition known as “emergency in  power sector.”

The Order asks all power plants running on  imported coal to maintain operations round-the clock. In April, electricity demand in the country will likely reach 2.29 lakh MW. To meet that kind demand, it is imperative that thermal power plants supply 1.93 lakh MW power. For that to happen, it is essential to bridge the gap between demand and supply. Transactions pertaining electricity of the coal-fired plants, including their sale of power, shall become controlled by a committee under the Union Ministry of Power.
As part of resolving the crisis, plants using domestic coal have been instructed to also utilise imported coal and step up production.  If plants do not operate on full capacities, the country will go on blackout in coming months. Failure on part of the Central govt to raise coal production plus lapses in planning in the energy sector have led to current  circumstance. The situation is similar to one witnessed in 2002.
