17 September Tuesday

Railways Prepares To Sell Passenger Name, Address, Other Personal Details To Companies

Web Desk(Tvm)Updated: Saturday Aug 20, 2022

New Delhi :  Indian Railways prepares for an unprecedented monetizing exercise, planning to sell its bank of personal data of passengers to private and government companies.

The  Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation(IRCTC) - the online ticket booking arm of Indian Railways has a massive bank of passenger data and the proposed sale is aimed to raise Rs 1000 crores.

The Railways justifies its plan saying, the exercise is aimed to supply information  to data seekers and enhance benefits to customers. Data on sale will include passenger name, address, age, phone number, email ID,  number of passengers, travel class, mode of payment, account user name, password etc.

IRCTC has floated tender seeking to hire a consultant to assist with the monetization  process.  Meanwhile, according to unconfirmed reports, with tender plan running into controversy,  the move might be revoked.

