20 September Friday

Reign of Ter on Dalits DSMM Delegation Meets President

Web Desk‌Updated: Thursday Jun 28, 2018

New Delhi> A DELEGATION of the Dalit Shoshan  Mukti Manch comprising of Subhashini  Ali (vice-president) and Nathu Prasad  (joint secretary) met the president  of India on June 27 and handed over  a memorandum giving details of the  reign of terror unleashed against dalits  in many parts of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya  Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan in the  aftermath of April 2.

The governments  are acting in a vindictive manner. While  more than 10 dalits were killed during  the bandh, no one responsible for their  deaths including members of the Sangh  Parivar who were photographed openly  using firearms on the 2nd have been  arrested. The families of those killed  have received no compensation. In  fact even sympathy has not been  demonstrated by the governments  concerned.

On the other hand,  thousands of dalits have been arrested  and are being kept in jails, denied  bail. Many more thousands are being  threatened with arrests under draconian  provisions. In Uttar Pradesh, minor dalit  boys have been arrested and they are  being held along with adult criminals. 

The delegation also apprised the  president about the way in which those  responsible for the violence after the  Bhima-Koregaon celebrations have  gone scot-free while five activists who  were helping those injured, looted and  attacked by the upper caste mobs have  been arrested under draconian charges  including sedition.

The delegation requested the  president to intervene in order to see  that justice was done to innocent dalits  in jails and facing false cases. He listened  very sympathetically and stated twice  that he would definitely ask for reports  and do whatever was possible.   
