18 September Wednesday

Unwavering Protest Amid Bloodshed : 2nd round of police violence

Web Desk‌Updated: Tuesday Nov 19, 2019

NEW DELHI : The police launched massive crackdown on protesting JNU students including girls,  for the second time in two weeks, with  rallying  protester defying the violence despite  blood and injuries.

Strangely, the University Vice Chancellor, M Jagdeep Kumar is yet to call up students for talks, despite protests crossing three weeks now.

On 11 Nov, the students blocked HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal for 6 hours inside the campus, in a bid to be heard.

Failing to make headway,  the protest transformed into massive rally. Protesters including girls, refused to back down despite brutal crackdown by police and CRPF.

There was a brief lull after the Union Minister’s assured students a fair stance. Howeve when it failed to materialise, the agitated students on Monday, broke barricades around the campus and took to streets to march to the parliament.

The police at several points, thrashed and dragged students - some with blood and injuries - into waiting vehicles and placed them under arrests.

On Monday evening, the students union president Aysha Ghosh and four others were whisked away by police after HRD Ministry said it was ready for talks. They were then driven in circles  and brought to Jorbad where a group of girl students were picketing the road.

Police asked Aysha  to call off their  protest. The HRD ministry would talk later next day, police said. When the students refused to budge, the cops switched off the streetlights and thrashed the protesting girls under the cover of darkness.

In a statement on Monday, the students union declared that, as education costs across the country were being escalated, JNU students are standing up for the entire student fraternity.

The JNU teachers association condemned use of police force on students, describing it as crackdown on  their democratic.

The students have been protesting for three weeks now, after a draft hostel manual issued by the university introduced hike in hostel charges. The manual also introduced a new charge, time and dress restrictions, the last two having been  rolled back after protests began.

Three-member Committee

Meanwhile, the HRD Ministry has formed a 3-member committee comprising former UGC Vice Chancellor Prof VS Pawan, AICTE Chairman Anil Sahasbhudhe Chouhan and UGC Secretary Prof Rajneesh Jain, to recommend measures to resolve the crisis.  

